Sunday, July 30, 2006

Off I Go

Well I'm off to Canada for two weeks with my family, hopefully it will be fun, and maybe cooler than here because this heat is getting ridiculous.
When I get back there will be more interesting things afoot, which I will write about then.
Bye and see you soon!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Over The Kryptonite

Last week a saw a couple of new movies, 'Superman Returns' and 'Over The Hedge'.

Over The Hedge I thought was a delightful movie about a group of animals (above, trying to figure out if it's a bird, a plane, or a hedge) collecting food from a housing development that has been built over their forest. It made me laugh a lot, and I would thoroughly recommend it to children, adults and furries of all ages. Not really much else to say, it was just a charming film and I enjoyed it more than the other movie I saw last week.

So, a new Superman movie. Well I will start off by saying that I did enjoy this, it is a proper Superman movie, flying, rescues, witty banter and a little bit of romance. Most of my issues with it are small, for starters, kryptonite again! The one thing that has always put me off Superman is that he is just too strong, but having to rely on using kryptonite to give his enemies a chance gets really old.
The new Superman is similar, but whilst I thought he was good as Clark kent, his Superman was a bit humourless, in the old movies he seemed more of a fun guy. The new Lois is pretty rubbish to be honest, I'm sure they could have done better.
Lex came up with a sufficiently ludacrous plan, and nearly suceeded in killing superman. I must say that I actually cried a little, it was quite emotional.
Now I'm trying to write this without giving too much away, but let me say that there was an interesting factor added to this story, which certainly answers a question posed in 'Mallrats' and at first I wasn't sure, but then I kind of grew to like it. And I didn't even consider it until Lex mentions the posibility, so don't feel bad those of you who don't spot it either.
It's maybe not as good as Superman 1 and 2, but better than 3 and 4. Definately worth a watch.

Penalty Reduction

So all the Italian clubs had their punishments reduced, with Juventus now the only club being demoted, and now with a small enough points penalty that they may even be able to get promoted again immediately. Not really too much of a surprise, but a bit disappointing.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Out of the mouths of babes?

How can Wayne Rooney have written an autobiography? He's:
a) not exactly articulate when hes talking, but maybe hes just shy in public?
b) a kid, hes only 20 and hes written a whole book about his life?
c) a footballer, so shouldn't be writing books anyway

Apparently in it he says visiting a brothel was the biggest regret of his life. Something to work on there then.

On a releated note - Man U transfer news
By all reports Man U are buying up half the players in Europe. What is the point of making up all these transfer rumers, are the journalists really that bored? I hope Christiano Ronaldo stays, the boy is a talent. van Nistelrooy can go so long as its for a decent price. Apparently the sun says Ronaldo wants to move to Man U from Real Madrid, biggest question though is why would we want him? Well hopefully we'll pick up a couple of good new players, perhaps in the Italian clearence sales

Monday, July 17, 2006

Being Sent Down

This is a few days old now, it happened on Friday, but I wanted to make a brief comment. It has been decided what the punishments should be for the four Italian clubs involved in the match fixing scandal. They vary from being relegated with huge points reductions (effectively keeping Juventus down for two seasons at least), to relegation with smaller point deductions or just point deductions.
Now obviously I havent seen all the evidence, but I have followed the case. All I really want to say it that I am glad that this was dealt with harshly, and although I am sorry for the fans and the players of these clubs, corruption must be dealt with in such a manner. I felt that the calls after the Fifa World Cup (TM) that the allegations should be dropped were outrageous. Corruption like this just can't be ignored because you feel good to have won something.
Yes it was harsh, but it should serve both as a punishment and a warning against corruption.

Transform and roll out!

Transformers is getting a new movie, and I'm a bit excited about it. Very excited about it. Well actually I'm so excited about it I'm quivvering in anticipation. I haven't been this excited about a movie since Star Wars Episode 1... and we know how that turned out. To that end I am attempting, not very successfully, to temper my schoolgirl giddyness with a dose of cynacism.
Like I said, it ain't working. All I can hope for is that I don't burst before the movie actually comes out!
Ahem... for those not obsessed with Transformers, there is a new movie coming out next summer, 4th July in the US, about the giant robots who disguise themselves as vehicles. Its directed by Michael Bay, produced by Steven Spielberg, and by all evidence has a budget of giant robot proportions. Theres been a lot of stuff on the internet, some official, most unofficial and a lot of which I believe to be bullshit.
The best official souces are the official website for the film, which also has the first (very cool) trailer to watch, and Michael Bay's official forums where they are posting some info. But they are trying to keep stuff secret which is fine with me.
I'm no G1 purist (that being the original TVseries/comic book/toy line) in fact my favourite Transformers of all is Beast Wars, so I'm mostly fine with them changing things as they see fit. Especially since this film is over 20 years since Transformers started, of course things will have changed.
Anyway, I'm certain you'll be hearing more about this from me in the next year, so stay tuned Transfans


Friday, July 14, 2006

Bothered by the Dead

Why is it that I am so bothered about the fact they are remaking Day of the Dead. I wasn't particularly worried about the remake of Dawn of the Dead, and that is a far superior film. This will mean all three parts of Romero's Dead Trilogy have been remade, which is a little sad but at least a testament to the quality of the original films.
Who knows the new Day of the Dead may even be better than the original, which apart from its good zombie effects has little that I am really keen on. Of course the second half of 28 Days Later is essentially a remake of Day of the Dead anyway. Perhaps the fact it might be better is part of the problem, although I seriously doubt it will be, especially if its as silly as the new Dawn of the Dead
Ving Rhames is in this new film as well, but he shouldn't be. If they claim its totally seperate, having one of the main actors from the previous film is just going to detract from that.
Anyway, it bothers me, don't make it.