Well it seems that this page is no longer blocked at work, I wonder when that happened. Right now I am at work, extremely bored. I'm not bored for lack of things to do, in fact I have lots of things I need to do, but rather because I am feeling too lazy to do anything. I think this is my lazy kitty side coming through. For those who don't know I am a teacher at a college. Currently I am in a free period, which is when I am supposed to be getting important things done, but ho hum.
Yesterday I ordered a copy of Extended Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves on DVD.Why am I inflicting Kevin Costner on myself? Well I do enjoy this film, but also what I am hoping is that the extra 17 minutes will not contain more footage of Kevin, but more of Alan Rickman's hilarious portrayal of the Sheriff of Nottingham. Watching a program on TV at the weekend I heard that Costner has demanded some of Rickman's stuff to be cut out so he didn't upstage Costner, hopefully this is what they added back in, but we will see. If its not then I think I will go with what the Sheriff says in the film:
"That's it then. Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans, no more merciful beheadings, and call off Christmas."
p.s. the answer to the question in the title is "Because it's DULL, you twit. It'll hurt more." the question itself being a response to the Sheriff threat to cut out Robin's heart with a spoon, an image that has always stayed with me and still makes me feel queezy to this day. Yes I know I am a wimp :P
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Life, oh virtual life
My internet has been working proparly since last thursday night which has been nice. It seems to max out at 6Mbps, with a minimum of 4.5. Thats cool when you've only ever had 1Mbps at the most, and usually less because your annoying brother insists on downloading all the time when you are trying to play games and so completely lagging you out.
I've been back in my games, Second Life and Star Wars Galaxies (yes I still play that, just not all that much). My characters from SWG are shown above, although thats an fairly old shot. Seemed weird at first, and my roleplaying skills were definately a little rusty. Still I missed my friends, and its nice to see them again. Well see their avatars anyway, which is a good as seeing the real them. You choose your avatar, its not something you are stuck with, so I think its a good indication of what a person is really like. Unless its some horny guy playing a "lesbian" to get sex, but you can spot those pretty easily.
Work is going fine, being so much closer is helping, I'm finding the days easier. I haven't been sleeping that well the last few nights though, I find myself waking up during the night a lot, not sure if its because of noises or something else. Housework is a pain in the ass, but I'm managing it I guess, just put some of it off a bit longer than I should. I have been eating every day, but I know I'm eating too much junk food, I just feel too lazy to do proper cooking a lot of the time.
Last Friday I did something that feels pretty important, but I don't quite feel like writing about it now, maybe in a few days. It could turn out to be life changing though (I almost wanted to write life saving there, it might be)
Today's random post was brought to you by me with a headache and feeling depressed, tune in next time for hopefully something more coherent and interesting, same bat time, same bat channel.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Speed and Interstellar Warfare
My internet connection was finally turned on today, a big yay for that. There seems to be something wrong with the speed though, I'm only getting 128Kbps at the moment when it should be close to 5Mbps. Going to try connecting it up differently, maybe that will help.
Its the end of the first week of teaching, and I am exhausted. It felt like a lot more than just one week, hopefully it won't take too long to get used to it again. I thought I was going to get the weekend to myself, but just found out my Mother wants to visit again, whihc I nice I suppose, but last weekend she annoyed me going on about washing for the whole 8 hours she was here! I shouldn't get annoyed with her though, she's just worrying about me.
My verdicts from this week: Battlestar Galactica is amazing, and series 2 is even better than series 1, really dark, great story arcs and some seriously nasty villans, the sort you have to get nasty just to be able to triumph over. Still only half way through series 2, but hopefully it will continue to be this good. Lego Star Wars 2 is a lot of fun, although slightly harder than the first one, and being a Jedi in it doesn't feel as fun as in the first one, but the non Jedi characters are certainly better, just a shame that my favourite thing about Star Wars is the Jedi.
Its the end of the first week of teaching, and I am exhausted. It felt like a lot more than just one week, hopefully it won't take too long to get used to it again. I thought I was going to get the weekend to myself, but just found out my Mother wants to visit again, whihc I nice I suppose, but last weekend she annoyed me going on about washing for the whole 8 hours she was here! I shouldn't get annoyed with her though, she's just worrying about me.
My verdicts from this week: Battlestar Galactica is amazing, and series 2 is even better than series 1, really dark, great story arcs and some seriously nasty villans, the sort you have to get nasty just to be able to triumph over. Still only half way through series 2, but hopefully it will continue to be this good. Lego Star Wars 2 is a lot of fun, although slightly harder than the first one, and being a Jedi in it doesn't feel as fun as in the first one, but the non Jedi characters are certainly better, just a shame that my favourite thing about Star Wars is the Jedi.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
So they have added this page to the list of blocked sites at work, which means no more posting while I am bored, bah. I'll have to try and make sure I remember to post at home, which is extra annoying seeing as the only internet I have is dialup, poop.
Its almost time to start teaching again, so thats something not to look forward to. Still, I think once I have proper internet, oh and a sofa to sit on when I want to watch TV (still 7 more weeks for that) all will be good.
Its almost time to start teaching again, so thats something not to look forward to. Still, I think once I have proper internet, oh and a sofa to sit on when I want to watch TV (still 7 more weeks for that) all will be good.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Death of a Crocodile Hunter
The information yesterday was quite brief, but heres an article from the BBC today that includes a bit more detail about what happened, including a confirmation that the incident was recorded. Personally I hope that tape doesn't get passed around. There are some good quotes in the article, my favourite being from the Australian Prime Minister John Howard, who said he had died in "quintessentially Australian circumstances".
Goodbye Steve, you crazy guy, you will be missed
How Fat?
So last weekend I visited my parents, and among various other things they gave me were a set of bathroom scales. This is actually a set that has been knocking around for a while, originally bought my nan, who gave them to my mum because they were too complicated, and my mum never did anything with them. Anyway, I'm rambling.
So these scales. They are digital, and you tell them your height and it tells you your body fat (the 'complicated' part). Well it took me a while to figure out how to use them, but eventually I put my height in and get on. 210 pounds it says, which I knew. Its too much, although not as bad as it might seem at first glance, I am tall. Then it works out my body fat...
23.5% - I am nearly 1/4 fat. Now I'm not sure what its supposed to be, but I'm worried its meant to be zero, or close to that. If thats true then I am much fatter than I thought. I don't want to be 23% fat, something needs to be done...
So these scales. They are digital, and you tell them your height and it tells you your body fat (the 'complicated' part). Well it took me a while to figure out how to use them, but eventually I put my height in and get on. 210 pounds it says, which I knew. Its too much, although not as bad as it might seem at first glance, I am tall. Then it works out my body fat...
23.5% - I am nearly 1/4 fat. Now I'm not sure what its supposed to be, but I'm worried its meant to be zero, or close to that. If thats true then I am much fatter than I thought. I don't want to be 23% fat, something needs to be done...
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