Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Happy Christmas!!
Hope everyone is safe and having a good time. Love to all of my friends, and everyone else =)
My review of my favourite films of 2007 is up on Youtube now for your enjoyment
You better be good, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why...
Its Christmas!!!!
My review of my favourite films of 2007 is up on Youtube now for your enjoyment
You better be good, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why...
Its Christmas!!!!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Car Woes
Been having trouble with my car this week =(
Driving back from work on Monday I noticed that the dipped lights (the normal driving ones) weren't working. My mum helpfully found a garage for me that could sort them out that night and they changed the bulbs for me. But then distaster the next night, they had stopped working again! And this time not just those lights but the main beam as well. So according to the garage this means there is a problem with the electrics, which means I'm going to need specialists to look at it. I'll be taking it to them early on Monday morning, but until then I have to drive around without headlights, which is not much fun in the winter >.<
Luckily someone from work gave me a lift to the Christmas meal last night, which was a pretty good time, and the food was good
The other problem I had this week was that a package that had come for me was at the post office for collection because I hadn't been in. But the woman in the post office wouldn't let me have the package because I didn't have any ID for the name on it (the only ID I currently have is for my birth name, somewhat frustratingly). She returned the package to sender! But its been arranged to come back out and hopefully I'll get that christmas present before Christmas still, no thanks to the post office woman, who may have been sticking to the rules but could have used a bit of helpful common sense in my opinion.
Its nearly Christmas and I only have one day left until my vacation starts, and I'm very much looking forward to getting a rest... punctuated by piles of marking *sigh*
I hope everyone has a good Christmas/Holiday season, if anyone is actually reading lol. I may post again before or may not. Eitherway love you all ^^
Driving back from work on Monday I noticed that the dipped lights (the normal driving ones) weren't working. My mum helpfully found a garage for me that could sort them out that night and they changed the bulbs for me. But then distaster the next night, they had stopped working again! And this time not just those lights but the main beam as well. So according to the garage this means there is a problem with the electrics, which means I'm going to need specialists to look at it. I'll be taking it to them early on Monday morning, but until then I have to drive around without headlights, which is not much fun in the winter >.<
Luckily someone from work gave me a lift to the Christmas meal last night, which was a pretty good time, and the food was good
The other problem I had this week was that a package that had come for me was at the post office for collection because I hadn't been in. But the woman in the post office wouldn't let me have the package because I didn't have any ID for the name on it (the only ID I currently have is for my birth name, somewhat frustratingly). She returned the package to sender! But its been arranged to come back out and hopefully I'll get that christmas present before Christmas still, no thanks to the post office woman, who may have been sticking to the rules but could have used a bit of helpful common sense in my opinion.
Its nearly Christmas and I only have one day left until my vacation starts, and I'm very much looking forward to getting a rest... punctuated by piles of marking *sigh*
I hope everyone has a good Christmas/Holiday season, if anyone is actually reading lol. I may post again before or may not. Eitherway love you all ^^
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Winter Blues
Its been a really depressing week so far, mostly because of the huge stress that my workload is causing me, which has meant I've had no time to organise a proper video. The real problem is that I tend to end up spending more time miserable and worrying about the work I have to do than actually doing it! However due to the combined efforts of some friends, particularly Anne being very firm with me (thank you!) I have started to make a dent in it, and hopefully this will continue, although I am currently sitting here waisting time hence why I am writing my blog. Yes thats right I mostly write to give me something to do at work other than actually.... working. Hence the lack of posts when the website is blocked.
Present buying seems to be in full swing, although certain people are very difficult to buy for, including the work colleague I got for secret santa that I have no idea what to buy for because I don't know him at all. I shall have to resort to something incredibly dull this weekend I think.
The crazy shortages of not only Wii hardware but also software mean that it doesn't look like I'll get some of the Wii games I was hoping for this Christmas (most notibly the Wii Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga which can't be found for any even remotely sane price). But the new year should ease the Wii craze hopefully. Contrast the Wii situation with the legions of unwanted PS3s.

I suspect another drastic PS3 price reduction next year, hopefully to something approaching a resonable price, at which point I may get one as a Blueray player. Of course the format war is something that I could (and many others have) talk about for pages, but suffice to say here I think if either format does win it will be Blueray, but I suspect both formats will fail to become mainstream, this will probably leave us to suffer some downloadable format. Yuck.
Well thats enough for now. Tonight I need to go and pick up my lightsaber from Dagobah... I mean the post office, so that should be fun.
Present buying seems to be in full swing, although certain people are very difficult to buy for, including the work colleague I got for secret santa that I have no idea what to buy for because I don't know him at all. I shall have to resort to something incredibly dull this weekend I think.
The crazy shortages of not only Wii hardware but also software mean that it doesn't look like I'll get some of the Wii games I was hoping for this Christmas (most notibly the Wii Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga which can't be found for any even remotely sane price). But the new year should ease the Wii craze hopefully. Contrast the Wii situation with the legions of unwanted PS3s.

I suspect another drastic PS3 price reduction next year, hopefully to something approaching a resonable price, at which point I may get one as a Blueray player. Of course the format war is something that I could (and many others have) talk about for pages, but suffice to say here I think if either format does win it will be Blueray, but I suspect both formats will fail to become mainstream, this will probably leave us to suffer some downloadable format. Yuck.
Well thats enough for now. Tonight I need to go and pick up my lightsaber from Dagobah... I mean the post office, so that should be fun.
Into exile I must go.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Another day at work...
...but tomorrow is a day off, yay! It gets really hard this time of year, all the staff and students are very tired after such a long term, but only two more weeks to go till the christmas break. Unfortunately I have so much marking to do that its forming a large mountain, I may have to break out the mountaineering equipment when I finally do tackle it.
On Tuesday I had a late night at work, that wasn't much fun. Got home feeling like a zombie, searched the fridge for freash meat but found only old pizza so ate that instead. I've not managed to do much this week, including not yet having a chance to make a new video, but people are still enjoying last weeks effort and the Khiliana & Tam'mi videos are growing in popularity. I will get something new done soon, I'm on a promise to work on a video with Anne this weekend. I have a ton of ideas just need the necessary actors and actresses to make them a reality.
I think this weekend is Christmas shopping with my family, after my trip to London for hair removal (owie!) tomorrow.
I'll talk to you again soon, and until then keep watching the skies!
No don't stare at the sun... here put these glasses on... nevermind, just come back inside
On Tuesday I had a late night at work, that wasn't much fun. Got home feeling like a zombie, searched the fridge for freash meat but found only old pizza so ate that instead. I've not managed to do much this week, including not yet having a chance to make a new video, but people are still enjoying last weeks effort and the Khiliana & Tam'mi videos are growing in popularity. I will get something new done soon, I'm on a promise to work on a video with Anne this weekend. I have a ton of ideas just need the necessary actors and actresses to make them a reality.
I think this weekend is Christmas shopping with my family, after my trip to London for hair removal (owie!) tomorrow.
I'll talk to you again soon, and until then keep watching the skies!
No don't stare at the sun... here put these glasses on... nevermind, just come back inside
Monday, December 03, 2007
Good Evening Wembley!
So on Friday night Anne and I saw Bill Bailey at Wembley. The journey there took a couple of hours, but the show was awesome!! Bill was hilarious as usual, and put on a good multimedia production (clip of it on Youtube). Our seats weren't great, we were a long way back, but yay for giant screens hehe.
The journey back wasn't much fun, it was pouring down with rain and an accident on the M25 caused a big jam, but not enough to dampen our mood.
We spent a lot of Saturday and Sunday watching the 10th Kingdom, a great fantasy TV series that I'd highly recommend to everyone. Sadly not currently available on UK DVD, I have a Canadian copy.
Thats all for tonight, time to go to bed. Peace be upon thee
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I still live, and in video ^^
Amazingly my blog isn't blocked at work today! Don't know whats happened there, some mad IT bod has unblocked all the blogging sites. I'm sure it won't last.
I am still alive, and I realise I haven't posted for nearly three months, many apologies to the world for that. But I have been up to many things, not least of which is work driving me nuts >.< waaaay to stressful right now. But I have developed a new hobby.
In Video!
yes thats right... no I haven't become a movie star, not yet anyway, but what I have done is start making videos. I've discovered a love of filming, directing and editing that has kept me moderately occupied for the last couple of months.
My videos are all located here ----> http://uk.youtube.com/ChloeTWilson
They are on all sorts of different topics from my SWG based movie, to comedy sketches, to music videos (my new video yesterday). Anyway if you haven't seen them then go watch, and hopefully enjoy.
So far none actually have me in, I'm still too shy but maybe one day.
Ok off back to *cough* work. Need to get stuff done, and tomorrow I am off with Anne to see Bill Bailey yay!
I am still alive, and I realise I haven't posted for nearly three months, many apologies to the world for that. But I have been up to many things, not least of which is work driving me nuts >.< waaaay to stressful right now. But I have developed a new hobby.
In Video!
yes thats right... no I haven't become a movie star, not yet anyway, but what I have done is start making videos. I've discovered a love of filming, directing and editing that has kept me moderately occupied for the last couple of months.
My videos are all located here ----> http://uk.youtube.com/ChloeTWilson
They are on all sorts of different topics from my SWG based movie, to comedy sketches, to music videos (my new video yesterday). Anyway if you haven't seen them then go watch, and hopefully enjoy.
So far none actually have me in, I'm still too shy but maybe one day.
Ok off back to *cough* work. Need to get stuff done, and tomorrow I am off with Anne to see Bill Bailey yay!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Is this still on?
Its been a really long time since I last posted >.> and I've been shamed into posting something.
So since I last updated a lot has happened. I wrote then that Anne was visiting, and since then she has come loads more times! This is because she is now my girlfriend, my first one. She also deflowered me that first weekend which was pretty wow =^-^=
Doctor didn't give me any different drugs, but I have been having IPL which is going quite well, much less hair on my face now. Next thing to do is start electrolysis on my chest (apparently the hair tehre is too faint for IPL)
I went to Japan over the summer! I could write so much about that, and maybe I will later, but to summerize here it was AWESOME! A real adventure and the most interesting holiday I have ever been on.
Started back at work again last week which is really meh. First couple of weeks aren't too bad until lessons start up full time.
Yesterday I saw 1408, that film is goddam scary! but its a really good film. I also saw Rush Hour 3 which I think is probably better than Rush Hour 2 so it was probably a good idea, roll on Rush Hour 4 I guess.
I'll try and remember to write more soon, the fact the blocked this site at work makes it harder >.<
Domo arigato for reading *waves*
So since I last updated a lot has happened. I wrote then that Anne was visiting, and since then she has come loads more times! This is because she is now my girlfriend, my first one. She also deflowered me that first weekend which was pretty wow =^-^=
Doctor didn't give me any different drugs, but I have been having IPL which is going quite well, much less hair on my face now. Next thing to do is start electrolysis on my chest (apparently the hair tehre is too faint for IPL)
I went to Japan over the summer! I could write so much about that, and maybe I will later, but to summerize here it was AWESOME! A real adventure and the most interesting holiday I have ever been on.
Started back at work again last week which is really meh. First couple of weeks aren't too bad until lessons start up full time.
Yesterday I saw 1408, that film is goddam scary! but its a really good film. I also saw Rush Hour 3 which I think is probably better than Rush Hour 2 so it was probably a good idea, roll on Rush Hour 4 I guess.
I'll try and remember to write more soon, the fact the blocked this site at work makes it harder >.<
Domo arigato for reading *waves*
Sunday, June 17, 2007
My Birthday - almost!
Two days till my birthday, two days till I'm even older. Still, this years birthday seems a big improvement over last years. Saw Avenue Q with my family yesterday, that is an amazing show, so so funny. I'd definately recommend it to everyone, whos not a little kid anyway!
My parents have got me a Wii for my birthday :D which is what I asked them for, at least I 'think' they have got one, the giveaway was them telling me to buy a couple of Wii games hehe. My mum will probably be bringing it over on Tuesday, my actual birthday. Hopefully I'll have a lot of fun with that.
But the best bestest thing about my birthday is that Anne is visiting next weekend!! *bounces around* Should be great, and the first non family member ever to visit me in my own place, I'll have to do cleaning this week!
Got an appointment with the Doctor on Friday, and I want to talk to him about different drugs, although thats partly depending on how my blood test comes out that I had last Friday. I think it was one to determine my oestrogen and testosterone levels. Also, I'll have to bring up the issues I am having over transition and work, its worrying me all the time now. I am terrified of losing my job. I have started my IT course now, although its harder than I thought it would be, and what I'm doing at the moment is theoretically the easy stuff! Still, its not so bad.
update from last post: I did go in on the wednesday, but I was obviously far to ill to be there and I took the rest of the week off and got antibiotics from the doctor. However I have seemed to have had a premanent cold since then.... very annoying.
My parents have got me a Wii for my birthday :D which is what I asked them for, at least I 'think' they have got one, the giveaway was them telling me to buy a couple of Wii games hehe. My mum will probably be bringing it over on Tuesday, my actual birthday. Hopefully I'll have a lot of fun with that.
But the best bestest thing about my birthday is that Anne is visiting next weekend!! *bounces around* Should be great, and the first non family member ever to visit me in my own place, I'll have to do cleaning this week!
Got an appointment with the Doctor on Friday, and I want to talk to him about different drugs, although thats partly depending on how my blood test comes out that I had last Friday. I think it was one to determine my oestrogen and testosterone levels. Also, I'll have to bring up the issues I am having over transition and work, its worrying me all the time now. I am terrified of losing my job. I have started my IT course now, although its harder than I thought it would be, and what I'm doing at the moment is theoretically the easy stuff! Still, its not so bad.
update from last post: I did go in on the wednesday, but I was obviously far to ill to be there and I took the rest of the week off and got antibiotics from the doctor. However I have seemed to have had a premanent cold since then.... very annoying.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Two days off work ill now, stupid flu, or whatever it is. Hopeffuly will be ok for tomorrow, at this stage in the year having so much time off is difficult. Can't even remember the last time I was ill for 4 days, but I suspect it may have been back in 2005 when I last took a couple of days off work.
Oh and its been a long time since I posted, not feeling up to writing much right now, but yay on Manu U winning the title.
Oh and its been a long time since I posted, not feeling up to writing much right now, but yay on Manu U winning the title.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Mixed feelings
Well the last few days haven't been that great. To start with theres still the ongoing saga of my internet not working proparly, and although it seems that last time I phoned I managed to convince the guy it wasn't my fault he seemed to have no idea what was actually wrong. The fabled call from an engineer, or whatever, has still not yet materialised. If I hadn't been so tired yesterday I'd have phoned again, but when I got home I was too beat to shout at Indians. Hopefully I'll feel up to it tonight and I'm pretty much at the point of trying to cancel with them, my contract doesn't end till september but as far as I'm concerned they aren't providing the service I signed up for.
The thing that has been worrying me the most though was the results of my blood test. Now admittadly it was partly my fault (ok mostly) for not checking my messages on Friday and then having to worry all weekend. Anyway it turns out I have some abnormal blood test results which could potentially cause problems with the hormones. I have to take a half dose and get my blood tested in a month. I understand why since he is just trying to protect my health, but its deeply frustrating. All I can hope is that in a month things will be ok and I can increase the dose. Adittionally I'm a little miffed that he didn't proscribe anti-androgens, at the time I was happy to get anything but on consideration spending 3 months on just oestrogen when I want to go full time in just over 4 months doesn't seem good enough.
And finally just to add further irritation my appointment for IT training course was cancelled and pushed back, I'd been looking forward to that.
All of that without even mentioning how much of a pain in the ass work is. At least I have a break coming up at the end of this week, and I'm really looking forward to my trip to York, although nervous too.
Better go prepare for the lesson I have next, buh bye for now.
The thing that has been worrying me the most though was the results of my blood test. Now admittadly it was partly my fault (ok mostly) for not checking my messages on Friday and then having to worry all weekend. Anyway it turns out I have some abnormal blood test results which could potentially cause problems with the hormones. I have to take a half dose and get my blood tested in a month. I understand why since he is just trying to protect my health, but its deeply frustrating. All I can hope is that in a month things will be ok and I can increase the dose. Adittionally I'm a little miffed that he didn't proscribe anti-androgens, at the time I was happy to get anything but on consideration spending 3 months on just oestrogen when I want to go full time in just over 4 months doesn't seem good enough.
And finally just to add further irritation my appointment for IT training course was cancelled and pushed back, I'd been looking forward to that.
All of that without even mentioning how much of a pain in the ass work is. At least I have a break coming up at the end of this week, and I'm really looking forward to my trip to York, although nervous too.
Better go prepare for the lesson I have next, buh bye for now.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Doctor Visit
Today I had my second appointment with the Doctor, and its been 4 months since my first. I managed to come across much better this time, and going as female definately helped. He gave me my first set of hormones, which is what I was hoping for, and I can start taking them tomorrow night as long as the blood test comes back ok. Thats was the only part of the day I didn't like, they took some of my blood >.> I was feeling all anaemic afterwards and decided to come straight home :P
I'm pleased about how it all went, and it was a bit more expensive than I had expected, but on the other hand I can't think of a better way to spend my money.
When I got back I booked the hotel for my trip to York for my first ever date, and to visit my friend Anne as well. Really looking forward to that. All in all a good day, just a shame I have to go back to work tomorrow.
I'm pleased about how it all went, and it was a bit more expensive than I had expected, but on the other hand I can't think of a better way to spend my money.
When I got back I booked the hotel for my trip to York for my first ever date, and to visit my friend Anne as well. Really looking forward to that. All in all a good day, just a shame I have to go back to work tomorrow.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Silent Hill 2?

Apparently there is going to be another Silent Hill movie, which I'm really pleased about because the first one was one of my top movies from last year.
From AICN: Actress Laurie Holden says that "Silent Hill" producers were "going forward with a sequel" but that original director Christophe Gans was currently undecided about returning.
Might not be quite the same if Gans doesn't do it, and I am quite a fan of his from Brotherhood of the Wolf and Crying Freeman. Still heres hoping for another does of confusing, creepy and visually amazing horror.
On a different note I just read they are looking at making thee Forrest Gump sequal again. I understand there is a sequal to the original novel, but I really don't think that movie needs one.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Even more snow!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Which Transformers are you?
Cool site here which asks you to enter some info about yourself and tells you which Transformer you are, I came out as Grapple.
"On Cybertron, his buildings are considered works of art. On Earth, his ideas are limited by war. Takes pride in his work, prone to severe depression if they're destroyed in battle. As crane, can lift up a 35-ton object and position it with precision and grace. As robot, has high-temperature arc-welder rifle... can launch rockets 4.5 miles from wrist sockets. Prone to breakdown in vehicle mode."
The depression and breakdowns I can see... and thank god I'm an autobot! Not sure about precision and grace though, and I've not yet been known to fire rockets!
If I were a Transformer I'd be Heroic AutobotGrapple |
"On Cybertron, his buildings are considered works of art. On Earth, his ideas are limited by war. Takes pride in his work, prone to severe depression if they're destroyed in battle. As crane, can lift up a 35-ton object and position it with precision and grace. As robot, has high-temperature arc-welder rifle... can launch rockets 4.5 miles from wrist sockets. Prone to breakdown in vehicle mode."
The depression and breakdowns I can see... and thank god I'm an autobot! Not sure about precision and grace though, and I've not yet been known to fire rockets!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
It snowed for the first time on Wednesday. The first time since I've been living here anyway. It didn't stay around for long but it was kind of cool. I do have this constant terror of slipping over when there is snow on the ground but I didn't have to walk around in it very much, and it didn't delay me much for work either (mores the pity >.< )
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Very cool Transformers

These are very cool, Takara are now making an actual transforming Soundwave mp3 player! (prototype shown above) And an Optimus Prime iPod docking bay and speakers. You can check them out here
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