Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Which Transformers are you?

Cool site here which asks you to enter some info about yourself and tells you which Transformer you are, I came out as Grapple.

If I were a Transformer I'd be

Heroic AutobotGrapple

"On Cybertron, his buildings are considered works of art. On Earth, his ideas are limited by war. Takes pride in his work, prone to severe depression if they're destroyed in battle. As crane, can lift up a 35-ton object and position it with precision and grace. As robot, has high-temperature arc-welder rifle... can launch rockets 4.5 miles from wrist sockets. Prone to breakdown in vehicle mode."

The depression and breakdowns I can see... and thank god I'm an autobot! Not sure about precision and grace though, and I've not yet been known to fire rockets!

Saturday, January 27, 2007


It snowed for the first time on Wednesday. The first time since I've been living here anyway. It didn't stay around for long but it was kind of cool. I do have this constant terror of slipping over when there is snow on the ground but I didn't have to walk around in it very much, and it didn't delay me much for work either (mores the pity >.< )

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Very cool Transformers

These are very cool, Takara are now making an actual transforming Soundwave mp3 player! (prototype shown above) And an Optimus Prime iPod docking bay and speakers. You can check them out here