Friday, February 29, 2008

Boo to iTunes

What do iTunes think they are playing at? Its so damn expensive, at least for those of us living in the UK. I was looking at an album I wanted on there last night, and the album only has 11 tracks. iTunes wanted £7.99 for it!

Its so ridiculous that we have to pay this much for music from iTunes, particularly since the tracks have DRM so I wouldn't even be able to play it on all of my equipment. for just a small amount more I could get the album on CD and be able to play it wherever I want, plus the advantage of having a high quality physical version.

iTunes is a lovely system, but its far to expensive. Very glad to see undercutting them and I hope that either play can expand their available catalogue of downloads, or that it gives iTunes a kick up the backside to lower their prices.

P.S. Its Feburary 29th, is that special?

Thing thats bugging me the most at the moment: Why can't I manage to record audio without lots of noise on my computer?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New Job - kind of

Last week I applied to be a DJ for AllFurRadio. On Sunday night I had an interview, which i thought went terribly, but last night I got taken on as a trainee which is really cool. So hopefully the training will go well and eventually I'll get to DJ again. I've certainly missed it as it used to be a lot of fun. Hopefully I can build up my confidence some more as well.

Other than that mostly its just work going on, annoying and stressful as always. I have a script for next video that I'm sitting on because I need to find a good narrator, but I'm excited about it and I think its going to be good.

Worst movie news I heard recently: DiCaprio is planning a live action Akira movie. So so wrong.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

I Like The Way You Move

Its finally done!

Music video for 'I Like The Way (You Move)' by BodyRockers. Enjoy!

I filmed and edited this over approximately a 4 week period. I could have been less I think but I did start to get bogged down with how complicated the whole thing was which was demotivating and slowed it down a lot. Overall I'm pleased with it. I did a lot of new things again, as I try and do with each video, and learnt a lot especially about greenscreening and compositing and while its far from perfect I think the general effect is good. Plus I have now unleashed nine of me on the world ^^ (watch the last scene hehe)

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I managed to over sleep this morning, turned the alarm off when it went off and then went back to sleep for another 15 minutes, therefore ending up being late for work. But it didn't matter because I didn't have any classes first thing this morning. Made me wonder why I didn't just set the alarm for later.

Yep not interesting, but thats my life sometimes.

So what else, well I'm STILL working on my next video, its turning into a bit of a monster as I seem to have ended up in some sort of development hell with it. Well that might be a little over dramatic, but it really is starting to get me down how slow progress is going with this. It is by far the most techincally complex video I have done so I just hope the sense of accomplishment when its finished is enough. I worry that I might be horribly over working an idea that just isn't that great. We'll see when its released, I hope that will be next week. Was given a really great idea for my next project last night, should be really funny and hopefully much easier to make as its another predominantly editing project.

Thats all for now, more soon