Thursday, December 20, 2007

Car Woes

Been having trouble with my car this week =(
Driving back from work on Monday I noticed that the dipped lights (the normal driving ones) weren't working. My mum helpfully found a garage for me that could sort them out that night and they changed the bulbs for me. But then distaster the next night, they had stopped working again! And this time not just those lights but the main beam as well. So according to the garage this means there is a problem with the electrics, which means I'm going to need specialists to look at it. I'll be taking it to them early on Monday morning, but until then I have to drive around without headlights, which is not much fun in the winter >.<
Luckily someone from work gave me a lift to the Christmas meal last night, which was a pretty good time, and the food was good

The other problem I had this week was that a package that had come for me was at the post office for collection because I hadn't been in. But the woman in the post office wouldn't let me have the package because I didn't have any ID for the name on it (the only ID I currently have is for my birth name, somewhat frustratingly). She returned the package to sender! But its been arranged to come back out and hopefully I'll get that christmas present before Christmas still, no thanks to the post office woman, who may have been sticking to the rules but could have used a bit of helpful common sense in my opinion.

Its nearly Christmas and I only have one day left until my vacation starts, and I'm very much looking forward to getting a rest... punctuated by piles of marking *sigh*

I hope everyone has a good Christmas/Holiday season, if anyone is actually reading lol. I may post again before or may not. Eitherway love you all ^^

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