Friday, July 14, 2006

Bothered by the Dead

Why is it that I am so bothered about the fact they are remaking Day of the Dead. I wasn't particularly worried about the remake of Dawn of the Dead, and that is a far superior film. This will mean all three parts of Romero's Dead Trilogy have been remade, which is a little sad but at least a testament to the quality of the original films.
Who knows the new Day of the Dead may even be better than the original, which apart from its good zombie effects has little that I am really keen on. Of course the second half of 28 Days Later is essentially a remake of Day of the Dead anyway. Perhaps the fact it might be better is part of the problem, although I seriously doubt it will be, especially if its as silly as the new Dawn of the Dead
Ving Rhames is in this new film as well, but he shouldn't be. If they claim its totally seperate, having one of the main actors from the previous film is just going to detract from that.
Anyway, it bothers me, don't make it.

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